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Chain Reaction

Application in your life:

  • You have probably heard of the domino effect. The effect a single domino has is preposterous. It can knock over another domino double its size. If you start with a regular domino and it knocks over another domino double its size by the thirtieth multiplier it would have the ability to knock over the Eiffel Tower.
  • Don't despise the day of small beginnings. Every decision we make has a domino effect way beyond our ability to predit or control.
  • Until you selfishly invest yourself in someone else's dream, you aren't ready for your own.

Biggest Takeaway:

  • Every decision we make, every risk we take, has a chain reaction. And those chain reactions set off a thousand chain reactions we aren't even aware of. You never know who you may influence, but remember that everything you say, think or do will greatly influence someone somewhere.


  1. An inheritance is what you leave for someone. A legacy is what you leave in someone.
  2. They are not dead who live in the lives they leave behind. In those whom they have blessed, they live a life again.


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