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How to Utilize this Blog

Going forward Stephen Covey, the author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, gives us all a guide on how to interpret his and other books that we read. Similar to my guide on how to look inside a book Covey says two important things in his text.

Here are two paradigm shifts to get the true value out of this book and this blog.

  1. I would recommend that you not "see" this material as a book or blog, in a sense that it is something to read and then put on a shelf. The material is designed to be a companion in the continual process of growth and change. 
  2. I would suggest that you shift your paradigm of your own involvement in this material from the role of a learner to that of a teacher. It is an inside out approach, and read with a purpose in mind of sharing or discussing what you learned with someone else within 48 hours after you learn it.
P.S. Also, in my personal opinion you would greatly impact from reading these blogs in succession. The points are given in order of the book and will make more sense. If you have to go back and reread the previous blogs to understand the context.

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