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The 13th Virtue

Application in your life:

  • The 13th virtue is humility. My favorite subject and topic is humility. It is something all of us can do. There is a season to go after your dreams, but there is also a season to serve someones else's dream. The best way to learn leadership is to serve under a gifted leader.
  • The best path to your dream isn't seeking a position of leadership; it's posturing yourself as a servant.
  • There is a saying that the man on top of the mountain didn't just fall there. It took the process and the struggle to reach that point. It also probably took others around him to reach that point. It takes a team to reach the highest level possible.

Biggest Takeaway:

  • "Those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted." Matthew 23:12 
    • Humble yourself each and every day and the process will take care of itself. Don't seek opportunity; seek God, and opportunity will seek you.


  1.  Do not seek a leadership position instead seek a servant position
  2. Matthew 23:12


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