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The Templeton Plan: Step 1

This new book is called The Templeton Plan: 21 Steps to Personal Success and Real Happiness. By Sir John Templeton.

  • The Templeton Plan is written for those who consider themselves students in the school of total success. It is suggested that you devote yourself to one step each day, over a period of three weeks, Each step should be studied carefully until the following questions can be answered in a satisfactory and thorough manner:
  1. What do these ideas really mean?
  2. How do they apply to my own life? 
  3. How can I use their meaning in achieving success?

Step 1: The Laws of Life

  • The world operates on spiritual principles, just as it does on the laws of physics and gravity. Our inner life is saved or lost to the extent that we obey or disobey the laws of life. There are 12 laws of life:
  1. Truthfulness is a law of life. Your word is your bond. People of character would never promise something and then go back on their word. 
  2. Reliability is a law of life. If someone tells you they will have a certain product available for you on Tuesday afternoon, he will have it on Tuesday afternoon. 
  3. Faithfulness is a law of life.  You expect people not to cheat you or put themselves ahead of you. You can rely on them not to cut corners or try to deceive you.
  4. Perseverance is a law of life. In everything we do, there are problems to solve, and the person who gives up or turns to an easier task is not the kind of person who will find success.
  5. Enthusiasm is a law of life. To be a success you must work at the task with your whole heart.
  6. Energy is a law of life. Successful, deeply fulfilled people have a high degree of energy. They are not lazy, nor do they spend much time on idle matters.
  7. Humility is a law of life. The young should welcome, not ignore, the advice and experience of their teachers and parents.
  8. Pleasing others is a law of life. "if you wish your merit to be known, acknowledge that of other people." 
  9. Giving is a law of life. Successful people give and give still more;  their giving is returned to them in full measure. 
  10. Learning from others is a law of life. If you are alert, it is possible to learn from each person you meet, to avoid mistakes, and to put new virtues into practice. 
  11. Joy is a law of life. Success need not necessarily take a financial form. Real success can never be achieved without the element of usefulness, of serving.
  12. Altruism is a law of life. The altruistic person tries to make our world a better place to live in.
Remember: The laws of life are the basic building blocks for a successful and happy life. 

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