The Templeton Plan is written for those who consider themselves students in the school of total success. It is suggested that you devote yourself to one step each day, over a period of three weeks, Each step should be studied carefully until the following questions can be answered in a satisfactory and thorough manner:
- What do these ideas really mean?
- How do they apply to my own life?
- How can I use their meaning in achieving success?
Step 4: Putting First Things First
- All of us believe in virtue, (showing high moral standards) but few of us give much thought on the varieties of virtue that exist in our lives every day.
- The purpose of the Templeton Plan is to help people become successful in the full sense of that word. No matter what career you might embark on, success comes from knowing the importance of the virtues.
- Here is the start of a list of important virtues that you can add or change as you produce your own.
- Gentleness- humility- self-control- hopefulness- perseverance- enthusiasm- responsibility- unselfishness- honor- hard work- generosity- honesty- loyalty- forgiveness- and love to name a few.
- When studied more intently they found that all virtues were visible but responsibility, energy, hard work, enthusiasm, and perseverance stuck out in almost all successful cases.
- List all the virtues that have special meaning to you.
- Rank them in order of importance in your life.
- Think of examples where you could practice these virtues in your life.
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