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Should've Seen That Coming

Key Points:

  • Life would be so much easier the second time around if we had an opportunity to learn from our first time around. How do we know which way to go when you've never been where you are going?

Eyes on the Road

  • The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it. (Prov. 27:12)  A prudent man or women understand that all of life is connected. 
  • In the light of my past experience, and my future hopes and dreams, what's the wise thing to do?
  • The simple or naive person lives as though life is disconnected; as if there is no connection between today's choices and tomorrow's experiences.

Course Correction

We have all heard that experience is the best teacher. But the truth is, about the only thing most of us learn from experience is what to expect when we repeat the same bad decisions.
  • The primary difference between the prudent and the simple is not what they see but how they respond to what they see.
Forgiveness and consequences are two different things. One does not override the other. God often works through principles. Principles make life somewhat predictable.
  • Direction triumphs intention every time.
  • Current conditions are not a trustworthy indicator of what lies ahead. What feels like a sacrifice now will feel like an investment later on.

What to Expect

  • Once you determine to act on what you see, you can expect two things: embarrassment and relief.
  • The prudent don't react to what they see in their current situation. They react to what they see on the horizon. 
  • You may look a bit silly now because you are taking steps to avoid something later.
  • Pay now, play later.

Prayer to Pray to Yourself:

Lord, help us to see trouble coming long before it gets here. And give us the wisdom to know what to do and the courage to do it.


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