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The Principle of the Path: What is a principle?

Key Points:
  • The principle you employ every time you look at a map or fire up your GPS (i.e., roads lead to the same place every time) applies to other areas of life as well. 

  • You can break a law. But the principle of the path has the power to break you. You don't have to know it or apply it to be impacted by it, 

  • Chances are you've heard the principle of the harvest applied outside the realm of agriculture, The principle of the harvest applies to friendships, finances, and marriage. What you put into something impacts what you can expect to get out of it. 

  • Perhaps you've heard someone make the argument that experience is the best teacher. That may be true, but that's only half the truth. Experience is often a brutal teacher. Experience eats up your most valuable commodity: time.
The Principle of the Path is a principle that cannot be broken that is evaluated by the decisions you make. Each decision is interconnected and has value on the path you are taking. With the principle of the path, you get a broader look at what paths you are choosing to take and how you should apply this principle to all your decision making.


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