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The Story You Will Tell

Key Points:

  • All of life, you see, is filled with decision making situations that occur in emotionally charged environments. Your decision-making environments are not emotionally neutral. More often than not, the circumstances we face are saturated with powerful emotions. Those emotions easily turn into misguided passions. In the end, passion clouds the ability to accurately evaluate the circumstance in order to choose the right path. Emotions cloud our ability to see things they actually are. 
  • Emotionally driven decision making rarely leads us down the right path. In the emotion of the moment, we are easily swayed by conventional wisdom, cultural norms, the herd mentality, or even our own patterns of behavior. 
  • A moral imperative is any situation in which there's a wrong that needs to be right.
In the story of David, he pointed to a principle he knew he had no business violating. Simply put, he had no right to replace what God had put in place.
  • One never accomplishes the will of God by breaking the law of God, violating the principles of God, or ignoring the wisdom of God.

Questions to ask yourself: 

  1. Does this option violate God's law?
  2. Does this option violate a principle?
  3. In light of the story I want to tell, what is the wise thing to do?
What story do I want to tell? To some degree, every decision becomes part of your story. God's will for your life will always line up with his law, his principles, and his wisdom.

Your story has an impact, God will use it to bring clarity to someone who is in the process of creating a story of his or her own.


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