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The Templeton Plan: Step 20

The Templeton Plan is written for those who consider themselves students in the school of total success. It is suggested that you devote yourself to one step each day, over a period of three weeks, Each step should be studied carefully until the following questions can be answered in a satisfactory and thorough manner:
  1. What do these ideas really mean?
  2. How do they apply to my own life?
  3. How can I use their meaning in achieving success?

Step 20: Discovering New Frontiers

  • The personal contacts you make and the experiences you have will later prove invaluable to you. Success bound people have to believe in themselves because the frontier exists inside of them. 
  • Discovering new frontiers is the thought of leaping out to experience new ideas and desires. It means leaving your comfort zone to get a different perspective. 
  • Life is a great adventure and the worst of all fears is the fear of living.
  • There are men and women who have the courage to strive for the happiness that comes only with the labor and the effort and self-sacrifice, and those whose joy in the life springs in part from power of work and sense of duty.
  • Throughout good times and bad success bound people will seek out new frontiers to explore, to settle, to enhance.

Questions to answer: 

  1. Am I open to change?
  2. Am I eager to travel to new places?
  3. Am I eager to meet new people?
  4. Do I feel prepared to deal with adversity?


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