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Expectations Always Need To Be Met With Grace

What do you do when you expect someone to do something? And they don't do it.  You set an expectation for them to accomplish a certain task, act a certain way, or set an expectation for someone else. And they don't do it.  When a co-worker leaves tasks for you to accomplish, that was EXPECTED of them. When a father EXPECTS your room to be clean and bed to be made.  When a spouse EXPECTS the dishes to be done and the clothes to be folded.  I realize that when we set expectations on others they always let us down and we end up doing more work. We almost sent ourselves up for failure.  What we must realize is that we also fail expectations all the time. It is like a loop of failed expectations.  The cure to this: understand and be aware of when you fail someone else's expectations.  It allows you to give grace to others when they fail because you want to be shown grace as well. You can set expectations because they are important but always match them with...
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